When in Doubt…Leave it at 350

baking, cooking, and other adventures

Tuesdays With Dorie: Vegan Bagels October 16, 2012

Filed under: Baking,Baking With Julia,Bread,Tuesdays With Dorie,Vegan — pastrybrush @ 5:34 pm

This weeks Tuesdays with Dorie I can actually post because it was VERY easy to make Vegan.

The recipe this week is being hosted by Heather at Heather’s Bytes, and she is throwing down Bagels. So if you want the recipe just swing on by Heather’s Bytes. The only thing that you have to do to make this recipe Vegan is to substitute the melted butter at the beginning of the recipe for vegetable oil and I didn’t use the egg whites to adhere toppings to the bagels. That is it.

The entire recipe does take some time to make.
Step 1: Make dough
Step 2: First Rise
Step 3: Refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight
Step 4: Shape half of the dough
Step 5: Boil shaped dough, in small batches
Step 6: Bake bagels in oven.
Step 7: Repeat with other half of dough Steps 4-6
Step 8: EAT

I started this recipe last night and then discovered the refrigeration step and then had to modify my schedule for today so that I was able to boil/bake every thing up. Usually, I bake while my daughter takes her nap, but today she was very accommodating and let me bake while she played with her toys this morning. Granted she did get curious and wanted to know what I was up to, so I showed her the bagels boiling. She is only 16 months, so she wasn’t too interested. I think she was wondering why I wasn’t in the same room with her.

After the bagels baked and finished cooling, I picked up one right off the rack and ate it plain. Emma insisted on having some so we sat on the couch together and I gave her the inside of the bagel. It tasted great. Actually better than any bagel I have ever tasted, and I will definitely be making these again when I have the time.



Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies. October 4, 2012

Filed under: Baking,Cookies,Vegan — pastrybrush @ 1:22 pm
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Anytime that I want to make a really good cookie, I always turn to Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar. My usual go to recipe is the Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies because they are quick, easy, soft, cakey, and my husband LOVES them.

This day I was craving peanut butter and oatmeal. I wanted to add another add-in and I voted for chocolate chips, but I was vetoed by my husband because he prefers raisins in any type of oatmeal cookie. These cookies turned out great, but the raisins made them a little hard to roll into balls. I definitely preferred them without raisin. I ended up bringing these to work and leaving them in the back room. Everyone that tried them loved them, and they had no idea that they were Vegan. YAY, for fooling my co-workers.



VeganMoFo has begun October 1, 2012

Filed under: Baking,Bread,Vegan — pastrybrush @ 3:02 pm
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And everyone was rejoicing!!!!!!!

Vegan Month of Food has returned like it does every October, and of course I am participating.

Word of caution for Vegans out there: I am an omnivore that likes to experiment with Vegan Cooking and Baking, so everything on my blog is not Vegan unless it is noted in the recipe/category/tag. With that being said, for the month of October my entries will all be Vegan, so no worries there.

I usually participate in Tuesdays With Dorie twice a month but this month I will only be posting recipes that are already Vegan or can be made Vegan easily. All other recipes, I will post once VeganMoFo has come to an end. Do not worry fellow TWDers, I am still baking along but out of respect for the Vegans that will be reading my blog I will not be posting non-vegan recipes.

With that being said, lets start with everyone’s favorite breakfast carb or at least it is some of the time….ENGLISH MUFFINS.

I guess my favorite breakfast carb is pancakes or waffles.

Who doesn’t love a waffle, but I will tackle that later in the month or maybe this week.

Back to English Muffins, I have actually always wanted to make my own English Muffins but every time I came across a recipe they always called for English Muffin rings and the recipes seemed long. In Vegan Brunch, the recipe was very straight forward, you didn’t need rings, and I actually had all of the ingredients on hand. When does that ever happen?

The English Muffins turned out perfect, and you couldn’t even tell they were Vegan. For breakfast, I like to toast mine up and top them with Blackberry Preserves. You can alway make little Vegan Pizzas for lunch by topping them with some tomato sauce and vegan cheese.

For the recipe just pick up Vegan Brunch, you won’t regret it because they are A LOT of great recipes in the book.
