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baking, cooking, and other adventures

Tuesdays With Dorie: Summer Vegetable Tart July 16, 2013

This weeks Tuesdays With Dorie’s recipe is the Summer Vegetable Tart which is located on page 436 in Baking With Julia. When I think Summer Vegetables I always think of yellow squash and zucchini, but this tart did not have either of those in it. I thought about adding it, but I decided to go with what the recipe said first.

I was really surprised that essentially you are making a crust out of overlapping Phyllo dough and baking it. Then you just fill it with your sautéed vegetable mixture of onions, garlic, red peppers, and mushrooms that has been tossed with Feta. It was surprisingly very simple and I ate half of the tart for dinner last night, opps 🙂

Mike really liked it and Emma, my two year old, sat there and ate the mushrooms and red peppers. So I would say this recipe was a success and I will more than likely make it again for a quick dinner.


Tuesdays With Dorie: Baked Yogurt Tart July 2, 2013


This weeks Tuesdays With Dorie recipe is the Baked Yogurt Tart, which is located on page 378 in Baking With Julia. The recipe is actually really straight forward: pre bake pie crust, mix filling, put in crust, top with fruit, and bake. The longest time is just waiting for the crust to cool and then the tart to cool enough to eat it 🙂

The recipe calls for non fat plain yogurt but I just used regular. I did have some extra filling so I filled two ramekins with the rest of the filling and baked beside the tart. To make the tart look pretty, I didn’t add all of the blueberries. Taste wise I should have said who cares what it looks like and dumped all the blueberries in because it was a tad bland. I did top it with strawberries because I was afraid if I baked the strawberries in the crust that it would release too much liquid and the tart wouldn’t set.

Overall very yummy and would definitely make again.