When in Doubt…Leave it at 350

baking, cooking, and other adventures

Tuesdays With Dorie: Buttermilk Crumb Muffins November 6, 2012


This weeks Tuesdays With Dorie is being represented by Alisa of Easier Than Pie with the recipe for Buttermilk Crumb Muffins, which is located on page 207 in Baking With Julia.

I was reading a lot of peoples aversion to shortening aka Crisco this week on the P & Q. I thought it was pretty interesting since most traditional icing recipes like Wilton’s Buttercream recipe is pretty much all shortening. Personally for icing I find that recipe too sickly sweet so I always stick with an Italian Buttercream. But I just thought it was pretty funny that a lot of people were disgusted with the amount of shortening and either swapped it out with a healthy alternative (apple sauce) or just used butter. I understand the health alternative, but REALLY butter isn’t that much of a better alternative. Although, I was that person that ate these warm with butter, and they were yummy.

To each their own.

This recipe was actually really straight forward and I ended up making 12 standard size muffins plus 2 large muffins aka Texas size. So ideally the recipe makes 16 standard size muffins. The only thing I changed about the recipe was to increase the cinnamon to 1 teaspoon because I love the flavor of cinnamon. With the weather getting cold and the leaves turning, cinnamon is one of those spices that I love having in baked goods. It reminds me of Fall and Christmas.


3 Responses to “Tuesdays With Dorie: Buttermilk Crumb Muffins”

  1. Cindy Harris Says:

    I’m one that didn’t cry one bit about the shortening or excessive sugar. This is a baking group, baking from a book written by the masters. It is not the low fat cooking club. It is all about moderation. It’s about learning a technique, it is about becoming a better baker! Now I will get down from my soapbox and talk about this muffin. Yours looks perfect. Although mine tasted good they somehow resembled the Grand Canyon!

    • pastrybrush Says:

      I totally agree with your everything in moderation 🙂
      I know the muffins were suppose to have flat tops, but as long as they taste good who care what they look like.

  2. Cathleen Says:

    I’m all for baked goods. Just something about shortening does not appeal to me. And these are old recipes, before the “new masters” have created wonderful desserts without so much sugar and no shortening. OK, off my soapbox too!! Glad you enjoyed these!! 🙂

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